In hospital


I’m in hospital at the moment.
How long do I have to stay here?
When can I back to home?
Is it tomorrow ? day after tomorrow? or next week?
l have a vague feeling of uneasiness.



Suddenly, the autumn scenery changed like this.
The autumn leaves were covered with snow today.
It snowed about 20 centimeters around here.

Cold weather is coming.


I noticed the temperature has suddenly dropped.
It has fallen below 10 degree at night here Hakone.
Cold weather has set in!?

When you’ll come to hakone,
you had better keep yourself warm.

Busy lately


It was sunny today.
The temperature of my room is 25 degrees.
But I feel cold, so I wear long sleeves even in summer.
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Japanese sweet in the shape of Mt. Fuji


I ate a Japanese sweet that was in the shape of Mt. Fuji.
This Mt fuji sweet is made fromYoukan-Japanese sweet bean paste jelly-.
It looked beautiful and tasted good.



I had some snow yesterday.
We got about 20centimeters of snow.

Fortune slip


This is a fortune slip when I went to visit
a local temple on January 1st of 2012.( Hatsumoude )
It’s called “Omikuji”.
It said that “kyo”Great Curse.
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Have a great New Year!


Wishing you peace and happiness in the coming year.

The end of the year

Next year, I’d like to make more effort to write this blog !!

And, I’d like to wish you and yours a happy holiday and a prosperous 2016!

Lose way

It turned quite cold.
I think that I have to study launguege , but without study every single day.
When would be the best time for me to start that?
When will I become the motivation again…?