Busy lately


It was sunny today.
The temperature of my room is 25 degrees.
But I feel cold, so I wear long sleeves even in summer.

I think I am coming down with a cold.
But I have continued such a situation about one month.
….Is this not a cold ?

Anyway, I’m really into studing foreign languages at the moment.
Though my level is all so so as always,
I want to speak fluently in near future.
I’m pressed for time.
I study three languages and have to do other thing
while I’m trying to improve my health.
But I’m so happy to study now!


  1. ナシゴレン says:

    Hello! I found your blog when I was browsing about Hakone. Thank you so much for the informations! Will be going to Hakone this weekend and enjoy Hakone.

    I hope your health is improving day by day, just like your language studies!


    • mani says:

      ナシゴレン さま!

      Thank you for your warm comments!!
      I’m extremely happy! :’-D
      I’ll make every effort to write useful article little by little.
      So I hope you will come again…

      I wish you’ll enjoy your Hakone trip.
      Have fun!!

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