This is a amphibious bus named the NINJYA BUS.
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Let’s go leaf peeping!


Japan’s season have changed into fall.
The present season the leaves change colors.
I took this photo around my house a few days ago.
The leaves are turning red and yellow.
It is time to go to leaf peeping.

Cherry Blossoms in Miyagino Hakone



These pictures are Cherry blossoms along Hayakawa river in Miyagino.
Cherry blossoms were not Full bloom, but the scinary was beautifull.
Here is also illuminated at night during the cherry-blossom season.
But it has been until today.
I wasn’t able to see it this season.

Hakone Sweets Collection Spring 2016


Hakone Sweets Collection Spring 2016 get started from Feb.1 to Apr.10.
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Setsubun -Bean Throwing Ceremony –


I went to a ceremony of Setsubun at Hakone jinja shrine.
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Amazake chaya


On a cold day like today, I sometimes think that want to drink ” Amasake “.
Amasake is non-alcoholic, non-suger beverage made from rice, and taste is so sweet.
You can try to drink at ” Amazake Chaya ” in Hakone.
The map is Here.
Amazake Chaya web site is Here.

The sunrise on New Year’s Day


This is the sunrise on New Year’s Day from Mt.Komagatake in Hakone.
This year I was able to see it there. (Take the Komagatake Ropeway to Mt.Komagatake)
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Warning level was down to Level 1 at 20 November.
But It seems like there are a little smoke from some valley still.
Although, certainly I have not felt earthquake recently.

Pampas Grass Sengokuhara


This is the scenery of Sengokuhara’s Susuki.
It is in full bloom now.